Best compared car insurance in 2015

Top Ten compared car insurance 2015
Anyone who is in possession of a car will are required to present a car insurance with an insurer to close. That's taken care of via the legal liability insurance and this is on every car owner apply regardless of the age of the car. Now up to 25% premium discount via our website:

Policy conditions Customer rating More.. Premium
1. Inshared Inshared 8.5 information car insurance
2. OHRA OHRA 9 information car insurance
3. aon aon directly 9 information directly car insurance
4. anwb anwb 8.7 information car insurance
5. Ditzo Ditzo now 50% off! 8 information car insurance
6. Centraal Beheer Achmea Centraal Beheer Achmea 8.6 information car insurance
7. polis direct polis direct 8 information car insurance
8. Itself Itself 8 information car insurance
9. FBTO FBTO 8.5 information car insurance
10. Delta Lloyd Mack 8.3 information car insurance
11. unive unive 8.5 information car insurance
12. hema hema 8 information car insurance
13. aegon hema 8 information car insurance

You can calculate and compare your car insurance here, or your can then direct your car insurance. So you are always assured of the cheapest insurance and you can most cheap car insurance application.

All risk

In the case of new cars up to a year or three, it is recommended that an all risk car insurance. The all risk policy covers all of the damage to the car, even if this is self-inflicted. For example, if the car off the road to give way to conquer by a traversing animal. Also damage by theft and other causes such as storm fall under the cover. If the car three years old or older can be switched to the car insurance with less extensive limited casco kind.
Limited airframe

For cars that are three years, the all risk insurance is no longer needed, but that there can be switched to the limited airframe. This is recommended for cars in the age group of three to eight years. Are the cars older than eight years, then a sufficient liability insurance. The limited airframe can be compared to the all risk form, but has no coverage for damage to the car, for example, by a slip party. Here is coverage provided for damage that is not caused by the car driver itself is.

The premium for all risk car insurance is the highest and the lowest for the wa policy. The premium can drop if the insured has been driving for years injury free. Then the so-called bonus/malus scheme applied and given a discount on the premium by the insurer. Of course comparing premiums at different insurers recommended. Compare all car insurance right now including fbto, ohra, inshared, anwb, Dennie autoverzkering etc.

We are not part of independer or insurance site, but an independent car insurance comparison site. Independer is part of Achmea. This is in fact not independent independer. Would you compare it to an automatic comparison site for car insurance, please go to the website of independer.